In a groundbreaking move, New York has become the first state in the United States to mandate paid prenatal leave for pregnant employees. Starting January 1, 2025, employers will be required to provide up to 20 hours of paid leave within a 52-week period for pregnant employees to attend prenatal medical appointments and procedures.
The Details of the New Legislation
Governor Kathy Hochul signed the amendment to New York labor law in April 2024, embedding this new entitlement within the state's existing paid sick leave laws. Pregnant employees will now have access to a separate bank of paid leave specifically for prenatal care, ensuring that they do not have to use their general sick leave for pregnancy-related medical needs.
Reshma Saujani, founder and chief executive of Moms First, praised the initiative, stating, “I think other states and other governors who share a similar set of values in prioritizing women's health, hopefully will follow.” This sentiment reflects a growing recognition of the importance of prenatal care in improving health outcomes for both mothers and their babies.
Federal and State-Level Context
While the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) provides job-protected leave for prenatal care, it is unpaid. This has limited the ability of many workers to take necessary time off without financial hardship. Washington D.C. has enacted a similar law allowing for up to two weeks of paid leave for pregnancy-related medical care, alongside an additional 12 weeks of paid leave post-birth.
New York's new law addresses a significant gap in federal protections by offering paid prenatal leave. Harris M. Mufson, a partner at Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, noted, “There's a view that they should have a separate bank for that condition — that that's appropriate and properly supportive of working mothers.”
The Growing Trend and Potential Impact
More than a dozen states and local jurisdictions have passed laws requiring paid family and medical leave. States with strong employee protections, such as California, Colorado, Massachusetts, and Connecticut, are likely candidates to follow New York's lead.
Kelly M. Cardin, an employment law expert, emphasized the potential for this trend to spread: “I think it's something that could spread.” The federal Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, signed into law in December 2022, also mandates reasonable accommodations for pregnant workers, setting a broader precedent for state-level initiatives.
Utilization and Awareness
Despite the availability of paid leave programs, utilization remains low. In New York, only 2% of eligible workers take advantage of paid family leave programs, reflecting a national trend where only 3% to 5% of eligible workers use paid leave. Reshma Saujani pointed out, “If no one knows it exists, they aren't going to be able to access it.” Her organization, Moms First, is working to increase awareness and accessibility through a website that helps people determine their eligibility for paid family leave.
New York's new paid prenatal leave law marks a significant step forward in supporting pregnant employees and prioritizing women's health. As other states consider similar measures, this initiative could serve as a model for ensuring better health outcomes for mothers and their babies while maintaining job security and financial stability for working families.